There’s no doubt these are exciting times for vehicle manufacturers (VMs), motorists and repair technicians alike. Our industry sits at the cutting edge of technology. With the right training and smart body shop management, the sector will boast some of the most...
Acerios hot active plasma technology removes particulate and film impurities from both metallic and non-metallic surfaces. Auto manufacturer Audi has been using the process on thin aluminium body parts for the last two years. The solution has substantially reduced...
The presence of sensitive electronics further highlights the integration of mixed materials and technological advancements which has profoundly reshaped the automotive manufacturing sector. This transformation has introduced both challenges and opportunities in...
If Rosie the Riveter had access to a new riveting technology, the erstwhile character of WWII fame could have worked faster and made lighter products. Today, a newly patented riveting technique developed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) makes...
Storage charges are a constant sticking point with insurers. The first thing you need to understand is what storage is and how and when it applies to collision repairers. Definition According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of the word “storage” is:...
In our world of automotive repair, we’ve all learned that things can go wrong at any time. It’s the nature of the industry as we learn to work with new metals, electronics or mechanical aspects of automobiles. The daily driving environment of a vehicle is pretty...